Cashing in on the Scooter Boom

Scooter Hut Adelaide store front

Scooters sales have been booming in Australia, accelerated by the rapid growth of e-scooters. Micromobility Report recently spoke to Scott Mackintosh, the founder and owner of Scooter Hut, which is the largest specialist retail chain for scooters in Australia.

Electric Riders Australia Wants to Be the Change

Electric Riders Australia Logo

Although it is a very young organisation, Electric Riders Australia (ERA) has set itself a big task – the legalisation of the vehicles that their members love to ride, including e-scooters, e-skateboards and one-wheelers.

influencers! Interviews Launching 1st August

Influencers Title image

Over the years, we have come across many passionate, influential people, who are making a difference in some aspect of cycling or micromobility. Some are unsung heroes, others are leaders in their field who you already know.

The Best Tool for the Job

#BikeIsBest is a UK bike industry funded media campaign promoting cycling. It’s a collaboration between industry, advocacy organisations and local authorities. Out of Home (billboard) company Clear Channel has also donated about £250,000 (A$455,000) worth of space on electronic billboards in prime city locations.

Tenuous Infrastructure – The Sequel

Wollongong Cycling Billboard

Last month I wrote an extensive article about some new ‘temporary’ infrastructure being trialled in my home town of Wollongong NSW.

I began by saying that I didn’t want to make a habit of writing about back-yard stories. I intend for the Micromobility…