City of Sydney Expands 40 kph Streets

40 speed zone street sign

Sydney, NSW Sydney’s streets will soon be even safer for everyone who walks, rides or drives, with the City of Sydney reducing speed limits to 40km/h across the local area. The changes will apply to the remaining regional and local roads that currently have a default speed limit of 50km/h within multiple suburbs. But on…

30 KPH Trial Extended and Expanded in Melbourne

A 30km per hour sign in a city street

City of Yarra, Victoria Studies have shown that at 30 kph the fatality rate for cyclists and pedestrians when hit by a motor vehicle is only 10%, which quickly climbs to 90% at 60 kph. Lowering the speed limit to 30 kph on local streets has been proven by crash data to dramatically reduce the…

Federal Government Announces $100 million Active Transport Fund

Exterior view of Australian Parliament House

Canberra, ACT On Tuesday 7th June the federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King MP announced that the following Tuesday’s federal budget would include $100 million in funding to set up a new national Active Transport Fund. We anticipate that this money will be spent over four years at $25…

Proposal to Raid Active Transport Funds for More Highway Expansion

California highway with city scape in background

Sacramento, California California is only a state, not a nation. But it’s important for many reasons. It’s the most populous and wealthy state in the USA. In fact, if it were a nation, its economy would rank fifth in the world, only behind the USA, China, Japan and Germany but ahead of the UK and…

11th Hour Bid by New York Governor to Stop Congestion Pricing

New York City street view

New York City, USA Congestion pricing is a relatively simple concept: implement a fee for motor vehicles entering a crowded city centre. Then use this new revenue source to fund better public transport, so that both former drivers and existing public transport users have improved alternative means of transport. The concept may be simple, but…

Dublin to Ban Driving Through Its City Center

Aerial view of the city or Dublin

Dublin Ireland This year, Dublin will become the latest European capital to bar through-traffic from its city center. In a bid to clear the roads and clean the air at its core, Ireland’s largest city is beginning a process of replanning central streets so that private cars and commercial trucks will be allowed access only…

Historic Declaration Expected to Unlock Billions for Cycling Infrastructure

Round table of parliamentary ministers

Brussels, Belgium The European Declaration on Cycling was signed on Wednesday 3rd April at the Informal Council meeting of Transport Ministers led by the Belgian European Union (EU) presidency at Egmont Palace in Brussels. It is the most ambitious EU-level policy initiative on cycling to date, recognising cycling as a strategic priority and acknowledging its…

Parisians Vote to Triple SUV and 4×4 Parking Fees

SUV parked on street

Paris, France Parisians have voted to triple parking costs for sports utility vehicles (SUVs), as the city aims to tackle air pollution and climate breakdown by targeting rich drivers in heavy, large and polluting cars. In a referendum held on Sunday 4th February 2024, which was closely watched by other capital cities, 54.6% voted in…

Strong Demand So Far for Tasmanian E-Bike Subsidies

Bicycle store shop front

Hobart, Tasmania As we previously reported here, late last year Tasmania became the first Australian state to announce an e-bike subsidy program. There are many subsidy programs already underway or completed elsewhere in the world including Europe and the USA. They consistent pattern has been strong and immediate uptake and based on the following information,…

City of Adelaide Votes to Subsidise E-Bike Purchases

Above view of the City of Adelaide

Adelaide, SA On Tuesday, 30th January 2024 the City of Adelaide became the first government in mainland Australia to commit to subsidising the purchase of e-bikes and electric-assisted as well as unassisted cargo bikes for its residents and business operators. Australian cycling organisations, including Bike SA, have long lobbied all levels of government for just…