Please Help me Celebrate 60 or Bust!

Help me support two great charities in the 60 or Bust! Charity Ride.

Wollongong, NSW We’ve all heard about mid-life crises. Perhaps I was too busy to have one at the time, so I’ve deferred mine until I turn 60. Although I know and admire many of you who are part of our community who read this website, I certainly don’t know everyone and don’t expect you to…

Four e-Scooter Share Trials Announced

City of Yarra bike paths will soon welcome e-scooters

E-scooter share schemes will be trialled in four Victorian local government areas from later this year, in a 12-month pilot coordinated by the State’s Department of Transport.
Three metropolitan councils – the cities of Yarra, Melbourne and Port Phillip – will be joined by the regional City of Ballarat for the trial announced last month.

The Signs are Clear, Integration is Essential

Sydney riders follow the standardised signage outlined in the Austroads Bicycle Wayfinding report

Integration is essential for micromobility to be successfully embraced as a mainstream transportation option – and wayfinding must be central to that seamless connection, according to an international study by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP).

influencers! – Steven Drake

Steven Drake influencers! interview

Steven Drake is one of those people who seems to achieve success at everything that he turns his hand to. He combined a double university degree with an ever-upwards road cycling trajectory that saw him become Australian road champion, race internationally and represent Australia at the Commonwealth Games. Then he seamlessly shifted gears into the…

New Sydney Cycleways Amid Rider Boom

City of Sydney, Saunders and Miller St Cycleway

Three new cycleway links are being opened in central Sydney, coinciding with the release of a City of Sydney study that shows a considerable increase in the number of residents who cycle regularly.

Book Review: Curbing Traffic

Curbing Traffic Book Review

Curbing Traffic is the second book by well-known cycling advocates Chris and Melissa Bruntlett. In large part it’s autobiographical, telling their unique personal story.

Beam is Focused Upon Our Region

Beam Scooters in Port Douglas

The world of bike and scooter share scheme operators has been like the wild west over recent years. Companies have started with a bang, then been refuelled by huge

Charting Transport – A Treasure Trove of Insights website screenshot

Melbourne based Chris Loader is a long-time transport analytics expert. His current role is Manager, Network Analytics (Rail) at the Victorian Department of Transport.
In his spare time, he produces the Charting Transport website and blog.