Tenders Raising the Challenge to Delivery Vans in Australian Cities

Melbourne, Victoria
Australia’s commercial cargo bike market is stepping up to join the heavyweights.
Melbourne-based distributor Dutch Cargo this month brought in Australia’s first Urban Arrow Tenders, flatbed delivery trikes with car-like front wheels and the load capacity and configurations to raise the challenge to delivery vans.
Dutch Cargo has initially brought in two Tenders, selling one to share service provider Beam to transport its e-bikes and scooters in Brisbane, and using the other as a demonstration model.
The Tenders come in three models – 1000, 1500 and 2000 – ranging in front platform dimensions of 142cm by 95cm to 229cm by 114cm.
All three have maximum weights of 600kg – including a maximum load of 300cm on the front – and several options for configuration, including flatbed, pick-up, coolbox, and parcel & post.
They are powered by Bosch Performance motors, Rohloff Speedhubs and PowerPack 500 batteries.
Tenders will retail in Australia for around $19,000, depending on the model, and with optional configurations and accessories.

Promoting the Options
Dutch Cargo managing director Jurgen Heikamp said the company is liaising with businesses and local governments in Victoria and interstate to look at possible demonstrations of the Tenders.
“It’s about informing people on the options available for deliveries and transport,” Jurgen said.
“We are attracting interest from innovative businesses with an emphasis on sustainability, such as a company that creates outside vertical gardens and another that maintains greenery inside buildings.”
He said future traffic congestion levels in cities and risings in oil prices will determine if and when more mainstream businesses adopt more sustainable delivery and transport methods.
In July 2021, Jurgen and his wife Emmy created another company, Urban Mobility Pty Ltd, to focus on emerging forms of micromobility, such as light electric vehicles.
“This company was set up to market and bring technological innovations to Australia and New Zealand that aren’t necessarily a bicycle,” he said.
“We have always been at the fringe and thinking outside the box to bring new concepts to Australia.
“In this transport space, there’s a lot that’s going to happen and a lot of different types of vehicles.
“At the moment, everything seems to be focused on small, medium and large battery-powered vehicles.
“Innovations such as the Dutch electric vehicles company Carver will bring new markets for urban mobility.”
While Dutch Cargo has been expanding its perspective to incorporating these diversifying forms of micromobility, it will return to a closer focus on e-bikes, trikes and cargo bikes once Urban Mobility Pty Ltd is fully up and running.
In a busy time for Jurgen and Emmy, they have also been progressing their Bike & Stay advocacy project, encouraging parents and carers to cycle to school with their children.
The project, centred largely on the Bike & Stay website, is set to launch its first cycle-to-school ambassadors this month.