$2.5 Million for SA’s Largest MTB Park

Adelaide / South Australia
Fox Creek Bike Park, originally known as Cudlee Creek Forest Trails, has been a key mountain bike park in the Adelaide Hills since the 1990’s.
In 2019 most of the area was burnt out by bushfires. Much of the land was covered in commercial forest plantations and the trails have been closed ever since while Forestry SA harvest trees and clear debris.
In February 2021 ForestrySA has announced that $2.5M has been committed to rebuild and improve visitor facilities at Fox Creek Bike Park, via Local Economic Recovery (LER) support under the National Bushfire Recovery Fund.
Planned work includes the reinstatement of the majority of fire-affected trails, development of brand new trails, improved shuttling capabilities, construction of new toilet, shelter and car parking facilities, and new small business opportunities.