Episode 7: Kevin Mayne

Season 1 Episode 7

For more than a quarter of a century, Kevin has been one of the world’s most senior and successful leaders of cycling advocacy organisations.

At the time we spoke to Kevin he was just about to retire after building Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) from small foundations into a large, successful, industry-funded peak advocacy group.

Originally from the UK but having lived in Brussels for many years because it’s the headquarters of the European Union, Kevin and his team have just seen the European Declaration of Cycling. This is a landmark – highest level statement from which billions of Euros of funding and other benefits should flow.

Kevin chose to take a huge pay cut and to end an international corporate career in major food and beverage companies in order to join Cycling UK, then years later the European Cyclists Federation, then his most recent role at CIE.

In this podcast Kevin shares many pearls of wisdom from his life’s experience both in the corporate and advocacy worlds, including tips for how to increase the effectiveness of advocacy organisations of all sizes.

In the podcast, starting from the 10 minute 35 second point, Kevin mentions several financial amounts. All of these amounts he refers to are in Euros.

When the podcast was recorded the exchange rate was $1.62 Australian = €1 Euro. Therefore the amounts he refers to converted to Australian dollars are:

• First European budget when Kevin joined: €600 million = A$972 million
• Current budget spending €4.7 billion = A$7.56 billion.
• Additional €2 billion from covid funding = A$3.24 billion.


The European Declaration on Cycling
Here is a link to the full declaration

Cycle Industries Europe 10 Point Manifesto.
Via this link.

Here is a link to Stephen Yarwood, former Lord Mayor of Adelaide, urban planner and “city futurist”, referred to by Kevin from when he visited Velo-city Adelaide.

In 2022 we also did an in person video interview of Kevin at Eurobike in Frankfurt, German. That interview has some overlap, but a lot of other material not covered in our podcast. You can watch that interview here.

CIE new CEO. At the time of writing these show notes the new CEO to become Kevin’s successor had not been announced, but here is a link to the CIE news page where the announcement will appear.

Finally there’s are recording of Kevin’s speech to a crowded room at the Cycle Industry Leaders Breakfast that was presented on 4th July 2024. This was recorded on a phone from a seat in the audience so the sound quality is not great, but the speech itself is worth listening to.



  1. Sarah Bickford on 4th December 2024 at 10:04 PM

    Really good episode, thank you!

  2. Andy Salkeld on 3rd December 2024 at 7:06 AM

    Kevin is a great advocate ! Talks with clarity and sense about the sector. Great choice of guest …

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