PhD Scholarship to Research Cycling-Led Emission Reductions

Perth, WA

Curtin University is offering a scholarship to complete a PhD on urban cycling’s role to reduce transport emissions.

The Curtin School of Design and Built Environment has introduced the scholarship for up to three and a half years, to achieve greater understanding of cycling’s potential to contribute to the decarbonisation of transport systems in Australian cities.

Applications for the scholarship close on 25th August and the successful nominee will be confirmed in November.

The WA university says the scholarship can be used to investigate and inform a range of relevant issues, including bicycle planning, adoption and use of e-bikes, cargo bike mobilities, velo-mobility for urban freight, the datafication of cycling, smart digital cycling, encouraging diverse participation in cycling, cycling advocacy and politics.

“By examining these various facets of urban cycling, this scholarship seeks to provide valuable insights and recommendations for fostering sustainable and low-carbon transportation systems in Australian cities.

It says improved planning, resource allocation, and advocacy for cycling are essential to fully support a transition to net-zero transport systems.

The scholarship can address one or more of the following:

  • Assess the potential impact of increased urban cycling on reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality in Australian cities.
  • Examine the intersection of urban cycling, infrastructure development, and urban planning to support decarbonisation efforts.
  • Explore strategies to enhance safety, accessibility and comfort for bicyclists within existing infrastructure.
  • Investigate potential solutions to overcome barriers and challenges in promoting cycling as a viable transportation option.
  • Assess the effectiveness of existing programs and initiatives aimed at promoting cycling in Australian cities.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to develop innovative strategies for integrating cycling into urban planning and transportation systems. 

The scholarship package equates to $60,000 – $70,000 per annum, including stipend scholarships at the 2023 RTP rate valued at $32,250 per annum and a possible six-month completion scholarship, along with a 100% fee offset for up to four years.

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