influencers! – Tom Flood

Tom Flood lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He’s spent his career in the advertising industry as a ‘creative’.
For years a large part of his work was creating campaigns for the auto industry, even though through much of this time he was commuting to work on a bicycle and facing a hostile environment caused by the very products he was helping to sell.
But Tom’s epiphany only happened when he tried to ride his young boys to preschool. Suddenly he realised that our society has been perpetuating a myth that cars are a good thing for our cities, families and broader communities.
Tom then began to use his considerable talents to create impactful images and videos to tell the story from a completely different perspective.
In this episode you’ll see ten stunning examples of his work and Tom will share the back stories behind the sometimes tragic motivations to produce each one.
If you’d like to hear more from Tom and have the opportunity to ask him questions, he’ll be a keynote speaker at the 2022 Micromobility Conference to be held in Sydney on 25th-26th November.
Watch the full episode below

About Tom Flood
Tom Flood is the Principal of Rovélo Creative a venture that he created in 2019 to use his creative, strategic and content development skills.
After working as the Director of Marketing + Community Relations at The Gasworks for five years, Tom began to use his considerable talents to create impactful images and videos to tell the story about the myth of cars being a good thing, from a different perspective.
Tom moved his family from Toronto to Hamilton, Canada about 7 years ago, and enjoys living a creative life, cycling with his wife and two kids.