Ian Ross Resigns as ACT Pedal Power CEO

Canberra, ACT
The ACT’s peak cycling advocacy organisation is looking for a new chief officer, after its current CEO, Ian Ross, announced his departure this month.
After nearly five years at the helm of ACT Pedal Power, Ian is leaving in October to pursue a challenging new role with Hartley Lifecare, a Canberra-based not-for-profit organisation providing supported accommodation and other services for people with disability, their families and carers.
A statement from Pedal Power says Ian has been “instrumental in achieving significant advocacy successes such as the ‘A Metre Matters’ campaign with the Australian Federal Police and Pedal Power’s contribution to changing negligent driving laws.
It praised his effective engagement with the ACT Government and its Ministers.
“His lasting influence will be seen as the ACT Government rolls out its Active Travel Plan which has adopted many of Pedal Power’s recommendations,” the organisation says.
“These are significant achievements which will create a safer cycling environment in Canberra for our members.”
It says the departing CEO managed the organisation through the disappointments of bushfires and COVID impacting on Pedal Power’s signature events.
“During these challenging times, he has retained his enthusiasm and kept our staff motivated,” the statement says.
The executive director role to replace Ian is advertised online on Seek and applications will close on 9th October.