Handing Over the Editorial Reins

This is my last issue as editor of the Micromobility Report and its sister publication, The Latz Report bicycle trade magazine.
I would like to thank everyone I’ve met and that has helped us put these magazines together during my two and a half years in the role. The micromobility and bicycle sectors are full of many wonderful, motivated and dedicated people who are driving these industries forward and will hopefully succeed in getting them where they deserve to be.
I implore everyone to continue to read and support The Micromobility Report, and to share it with others at every opportunity. It provides the essential glue to bind the industry, to keep its members informed and collaborating so that combined efforts can grow micromobility in Australia as much as possible and as quickly as possible.
It’s always a challenge to make online publications financially viable and that’s particularly tough during the post-Covid lull being experienced by much of the bicycle industry. For that reason, it’s no longer tenable for the Micromobility Report to have a standalone editor, a role that will somehow fit within owner Phil Latz’s already considerable responsibilities.
Phil is unswerving in his passion and commitment to the micromobility and bicycle industries and I trust the industries will be equally supportive in backing Phil’s ventures to document, analyse and foster the sectors to which he has dedicated his entire working life.
It has been a terrific journey plotting the course of micrmobility – with a strong focus on mobility in our bustling cities – while sitting in my small home office on the Northern Tableland and watching the horses and occasional kangaroo journey past my window.
I’m extremely grateful to Phil for the opportunity to mould and nurture this publication and for the camaraderie of its small and energetic team.
Fortunately, I won’t be leaving it completely. I will continue to be involved with both the Micromobility Report and The Latz Report as a contributor of features and other articles as opportunities arise.
I look forward to keeping in touch with many of you and seeing how your many ventures continue to transform the transport landscape in this country.
Until we meet again.