Biketober – Getting More People Cycling

Melbourne, Victoria
Biketober is a free initiative, funded by City of Melbourne, RACV (Royal Automobile Club of Victoria) and a number of other supporting councils. It’s designed to both promote and inspire people to try riding for the first time and those that do already to ride more.
This will be the second year of Biketober. Last year 6,133 riders across 1,100 workplaces took part.
It’s a free team building program that’s all about encouraging the health and wellbeing of staff, as well as a way for organisations to show their commitment to sustainability.
Everyone can take part, even if they haven’t been on a bike in years. They just need to go for one ride anywhere, anytime during October and they can win prizes including a $4,000 holiday simply for logging one ride. There’s also a $3,000 bike prize.
The program is free for workplaces in City of Melbourne, Maribyrnong, Geelong, Ballarat, Kingston, Banyule and Merri-bek. Workplaces in other areas have discounted access.
This is virtual challenge – so it’s a way to bring staff working remotely together.
Individuals and workplaces can register via