How the Stars Aligned for e-Bikes in 2021
Wollongong, NSW 2021 might well have been the most important year in the emergence of e-bikes. Continued sales growth, escalating technological advancements, corporate investment, infrastructure progress and global recognition of their importance to improve our quality of life all combined in an almost perfect storm for the e-bike industry. The validity of this assessment will…
Keeping You More Up To Date
Wollongong, NSW Never before have the global bicycle and micromobility sectors experienced such rapid and major changes, as the world embraces them as transport solutions and escalating technologies drive their evolution. Major bike news from Australia and around the world is coming thick and fast, so from early 2022 the Micromobility Report and The Latz…
Unprecedented Investment Continues to Pour In
Wollongong NSW There has never been a time when the money tap has been flowing so freely into the bicycle and micromobility sector. Companies that are only a few years old are raising hundreds of millions of dollars, giving them notional market values measured in the billions. Rad Power USA based e-bike brand Rad Power…
Please Help me Celebrate 60 or Bust!
New Cycling and Walking Trails Announced
Sydney, NSW The New South Wales government will spend $80m creating the state’s first “multi-day walks” including a five-day, 59km hike from Botany Bay to the Illawarra. NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean said a new mountain biking network will also be created across the Escarpment and become a major drawcard for visitors to the area.…
Tenuous Infrastructure – The Sequel
The Tenuous Life of Temporary Infrastructure
Wollongong, NSW Covid-19 has brought tragedy on a global scale, which I don’t want to disrespect in any way, but it has also brought unexpected opportunities. Specifically, in relation to micromobility, we’ve seen ‘temporary’ infrastructure, literally popping up in cities all over the world. Over the coming months and years, the battles will be fought, city by city to either make permanent or discard each…