Yarra Transport Strategy Aiming for Greater Sustainability

Melbourne, Victoria
Melbourne’s City of Yarra council has extended its community engagement campaign to develop a new transport strategy to boost the use of space-efficient and environmentally sustainable forms of transport.
The deadline for community feedback has been pushed back to 25th April for the draft strategy, which aims to:
- Reduce car use for trips within or through the Yarra municipality
- Increase independent mobility for vulnerable road users in Yarra
- Increase use of space efficient and environmentally sustainable forms of transport in Yarra
- Foster enhanced places for people on Yarra’s streets
A council spokesperson said the campaign had received around 400 public submissions, which was a high response to a local government strategic document.
“We’ve heard from a good cross section of ages and mix of residents, visitors and business owners,” according to a statement from the council.
Fifteen percent of respondents indicated they are living with a disability.
Accommodating Growth
“Just like the rest of Melbourne, Yarra’s population is growing. But we’re also close to the city, with limited space on our historical streets and our diverse population has different transport needs,” the campaign webpage says.
“The types of transport available to us will also continue to change into the future.
It’s important our transport system of the future responds to population growth, frees up our streets, provides safe and fair access for everyone and has a positive impact on the environment. Planning now will ensure the right options are available to suit all our needs.”
“Innovative, efficient, sustainable and accessible transport” is a key factor in the council’s Yarra 2036 – Community Vision strategy produced last year after its own extensive round of public consultation.
The draft transport strategy contains 15 individual policies providing detail on how the document’s outcomes will be delivered:
- Prioritise walking, cycling and using public transport over car use
- Implement a New Deal for Schools – support active travel by children and families
- Implement a New Deal for Walking – make the network suitable for all
- Implement a New Deal for Cycling – make the network useable for bike riders of all ages and abilities
- Use innovative approaches to deliver projects
- Use good urban design principles in transport projects
- Manage car parking in a way that supports the use of active and public transport and the role of cars in an urban environment
- Reduce, delay or remove vehicle turning movements where these create safety issues for other road and path users
- Reduce traffic volumes, particularly where it is excessive
- Lower traffic speeds
- Encourage the use of shared transport
- Support use of streets for community development activities
- Encourage investment in new public transport services and improvements to existing services
- Encourage transition to zero emission road vehicles
- Deliver transport projects and other policy work as per the Yarra’s Community Engagement Policy