Dockless Ebike Share – A First Time User’s Perspective

Lime Bikes - Sydney Ebikes

I deliberately did not go online to read any instructions in advance. I wanted to see what the experience would be like if I was a casual tourist or local visitor, just hiring on impulse. Phil Latz Sydney / NSW Last year Lime rolled out their re-branded Jump dockless ebike system in Sydney. During a…

Harley-Davidson Ebike Launch Generates Blaze of Publicity

Harley-Davidson’s Serial 1 name is derived from its first motorcycle, built in 1903.

Famous American motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson has just launched its first production ebike and with it, a whole new brand and company division. Known as Serial 1 Cycle Co., the brand takes its name from “Serial Number One,” the nickname for Harley-Davidson’s first motorcycle. As you can see from the photos accompanying this article, the bike…

Dutch Government Pilots E-Bike Power Zone Technology

Ebikes could be automatically power limited in certain busy areas of Dutch cities if a successful trial is rolled out more broadly

“You have been cycling through an empty stretch and you are mostly thinking of yourself and your experience, but now as you come into a built-up area it is about the collective good. By reducing the speed we are making it safer for everybody.” Indranil Bhattacharya – Technology Strategist Electric bike motors will be shut…

New Study Confirms that Ebike Owners Ride Further

A new study just released entitled, ‘Do people who buy ebikes cycle more?’ has found the answer to be, ‘Yes, much more.’ The people who bought e-bikes increased their bicycle use from 2.1 kilometres to 9.2 kilometres on average per day, a 340% increase. The e-bike’s share of all their transportation increased dramatically too, from…

Australian Wholesalers Want Faster eBikes

A survey of 55 Australian wholesalers who sell ebikes found that 73% of them would like our legislation changed to increase the maximum speed of power assistance from the current 25kph to 32kph. Bicycle Industries Australia (BIA) conducted a three question survey of wholesalers. In answer to the first question as to what their preferred…

Research Shows that Ebike Riders are Not ‘Cheating’

e-mountain bikers

A research paper published by members of Brigham Young University in the USA has concluded that eMTB riders are working their bodies almost as hard as those on regular bikes. In the study, 33 regular MTB riders aged 18 to 65 formed the pool, with each participant tracked via Strava over a 10 kilometre loop…

New Ebike Survey Gives First Australian Sales Data


By now most Australian bicycle trade members would be well aware that ebike sales have boomed overseas. Anecdotally we know that the market has been much smaller here, but is now growing at a rapid rate. Unfortunately we don’t really know the actual Australian ebike market size or rate of growth because there has been…