Posts Tagged ‘Cycling’
Sydney Cycling Hits Record Highs as Moore Park Cycleway Retained
Sydney, NSW Record numbers of Sydneysiders are cycling into the city, with recorded bike trips in some locations up to six times higher than in 2010, according to figures released by City of Sydney council. Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore attributed the increase to the expansion of cycling infrastructure throughout the city. “Since 2007 we…
London Lessons Bring Clear Steps for Accelerated Transport Transition
Sydney, NSW Transforming cities towards sustainable transport can be accelerated considerably if advocates employ a number of proven and easily replicated tools and actions, according to a city transitions expert behind an active transport success story in London. City transformation and transition specialist Megan Sharkey was on the board of the London Cycling Campaign and…
influencers! – Fiona Campbell
Fiona Campbell is quietly and calmly spoken and rather small in stature. She’s also quite happy to stay out of the limelight. But when it comes to being a true influencer, Fiona is a giant. She’s highly respected by her colleagues and peers. But even those that might be trying to block her progress and…
influencers! – Stephen Hodge
Inside Australia’s Federal Parliament, our elected members decide how to spend an annual budget that now exceeds half a trillion dollars. They also enact laws and make policy decisions that affect every aspect of our lives, including how we move around. There’s only one professional lobbyist inside these corridors of power whose role is to…
Rockhampton Rail Trail Study Open for Public Comment
Rockhampton, QLD Preliminary designs for a Mt Morgan rail trail near Rockhampton have been released for public comment. Rockhampton Regional Council is proposing a 17.5km trail in central Queensland, between Rockhampton, the trail head at Kabra and Mt Morgan. The plans are open for public feedback until this Sunday, as part of a feasibility study…
influencers! – F.K. Day
Of all F.K. Day’s fine attributes, one of the strongest themes that defines this interview is his genuine humility.F. K., who always goes by his initials rather than his full first name, Frederick, has far more reason to boast that most of us. But at every opportunity during this interview to take even a sliver…
influencers! – Matthew Keenan
In this entertaining interview, renowned cycling commentator Matthew Keenan will share in detail three of his secrets that have helped him become ‘The New Voice of Cycling’: ‘Volunteer for the job you want to have.’‘Infect as many people as possible with the bike bug.’‘Add value to the pictures.’ Matt also shares what life is like…
Cycling’s Stunning Advantages for Cities
Copenhagen, Denmark Introducing good cycling infrastructure is one of the most cost-effective ways to fight climate change, according to a report produced by an international lobby group for better cities, Copenhagenize. As international attention focuses on the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow this month, Copenhagenize took the opportunity to highlight how encouraging people…
USA Public Volunteers US$1 Billion for Cycling
In the USA, just like Australia, motor vehicle transportation receives the lion’s share of government transportation funding each year, with public and active transportation left to share the crumbs. However, unlike Australia, in the USA they have systems within their lower levels of government (state, city and county) in which propositions which exceed certain support…