You Can Now Use the First Micromobility Report Yearbook!

Assuming everything has run to plan in the final day after I write this article, then by the time our 15th December 2023 newsletter lands in your in-box, the 2024 Micromobility Report Yearbook will be live. You can go direct to the new Micromobility Report Yearbook via this link.
This means that if you click on the ‘Yearbook’ menu on the main menu bar of our Micromobility Report website home page, it will take you to a ‘flipbook’ version of our first annual Micromobility Report Yearbook.
What exactly is the Micromobility Report Yearbook and why have we produced it?
I’d like to give you two reasons why I decided over two years ago that we should work towards the publication of this Micromobility Report Yearbook.
Firstly, having launched what is now called The Latz Report Yearbook for the bicycle industry way back in 1996, I saw how quickly that gained huge popularity and remains a much loved and heavily used sourcing guide for bike shops throughout Australia. I know that the Micromobility Report Yearbook can give the same benefits for its three target sectors.
Secondly, at 61 years of age and after over three decades in bicycle-related media, just launching something new because it might make some money is no longer an adequate reason. I’m passionate about all the benefits that micromobility can bring across physical and mental health, climate, equity, liveable cities and so many more. I know that the Micromobility Report Yearbook can play a small, but unique role by introducing suppliers to customers and helping to accelerate this already growing field.
Three Books in One
We decided to split the Micromobility Report Yearbook in to three books because all three sectors, although overlapping and complementing each other, have some unique suppliers and customers.
Products – General
Products General includes the worlds of e-bikes, e-scooters and all other light e-mobility. Annual sales of e-bikes in Australia are now approximately half a billion dollars at retail value, having grown at over 46% per year (CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate) for the five year period from 2017 to 2022.
Mobility Assist
Mobility Assist is seeing the combination of the NDIS and new e-technology making quality of life transforming mobility improvements for people with a disability. I’ve been to expos and spoken to providers and clients in this market and knew that we should include this often overlooked sector and do everything possible to encourage further awareness and growth.
Finally, better infrastructure is vital if we’re going to see continued growth across all micromobility including both of the categories outlined above. I want to do everything that I can to help all providers of hardware, software and other services make potential customers, especially across the three levels of government, aware of the amazing products they offer.
Print Version Coming Very Soon!
Even though print may seem old fashioned these days. For certain applications such as the Micromobility Report Yearbook, many users still like the speed and immediacy of a print version. We know this from first-hand experience with our Latz Report Yearbook, that we produce in both print and flipbook versions. The print version is much loved and used by bicycle shops around Australia, but the flipbook version is second only to our home page as the most visited page on our Latz Report website.
That’s why, over the subsequent weeks, we are also printing and mailing out a print version of the Micromobility Report Yearbook.
It will take time for us to build and mail to a comprehensive mailing list, so our initial print run will not include many people that we’d ultimately like to receive the Micromobility Report Yearbook.
In particular, when it comes to local and state governments, we don’t just want to mail copies to a general ‘Council’ office address. We need a specific name and position of the relevant person, such as a Transport Manager, Infrastructure Engineer, Urban Planner, Active Travel Team Leader, etc, before we will mail a copy. We already have the contact details for some of these people and if you’re one of them, you should receive a copy in the mail by mid-January.
If you haven’t received a copy by 15th January and would like one mailed to you free of charge, please contact us. We pay for both the Yearbook and the postage. The cover price of $25 only applies if people want a second copy or lose their original copy. Also, if you know of others who you think should be sent a copy, please let us know and we’ll send them a free copy of too either of 2024 or starting with the 2025 Micromobility Yearbook.
We intend to keep adding to our mailing list throughout 2024 and beyond, so that the 2025 Micromobility Yearbook is mailed to more people and it continues to grow in future years.
Likewise, we collated all the supplier data that you see in this initial Micromobility Report Yearbook from scratch. We know that there will be more suppliers that should be listed. Every legitimate supplier of products or services across any of the three sections can be listed free of charge. Please contact us and we’ll add you into our next Yearbook.
You can contact our Admin Manager Gary Wells at or myself at
We hope that the Micromobility Report Yearbook is helpful for you in your business or profession!
Hey guys, can you put a link to the Yearbook in this post?
Hi Steve
Thanks for your suggestion which is a good idea that I’ve forwarded to Marli, our Graphic Artist to implement, but it won’t happen now until after Christmas. In the meantime you just need to go back to the home page and click on the Yearbook menu to access the flipbook version of the Micromobility Report Yearbook.
All I can get is front page of yearbook.