Yarra Council Considers Expanded 30kmh Neighbourhood

Melbourne, Victoria
A trial 30kmh area in central Melbourne is earmarked for expansion, with Yarra City Council conducting a pre-trial study to consider the move.
Preliminary information about the proposed expansion, to incorporate southern sections of Fitzroy and Collingwood, was presented to a Yarra council meeting on 16th May.
It was told the pre-trial study, funded by a $30,000 grant from the Transport Accident Commission, would help inform a decision on the expanded trial when the matter comes back to the council for consideration later this year.
In 2018, Yarra City Council held a year-long trial in the neighbourhood streets of the northern parts of Fitzroy and Collingwood, bounded by Alexandra Parade, Johnston Street, Hoddle Street and Nicholson Street – excluding Brunswick Street and Smith Street.
In December 2019, the councillors resolved to retain the 30kmh speed limit. However, it remains a trial speed limit because the Victorian Government’s Speed Zoning Policy does not allow for 30kmh speed limits outside of the scope of a trial.
“The evaluation of these trials and other similar trials contributes to the body of evidence that informs future changes to this policy,” according to a report by the council.
“Council remains committed to creating a safe environment for all residents to travel, whether they chose to walk, cycle or drive.
“Yarra’s Council Plan 2021-25 commits to exploring further 30kmh speed limits and the Yarra Transport Strategy 2022-32 also supports 30kmh speed limits.”