ACT Intersection Guidelines Open for Comment

Canberra, ACT
ACT residents have been invited to comment on a draft best-practice design guide for Canberra streets and intersections, which the Territory’s Government claims will enhance cycling and walking infrastructure.
The guidelines would improve pedestrian and cyclist safety by separating the different modes of transport at intersections, where most conflicts and crashes occur, according to the ACT Minister for Transport, Chris Steel.
“This new design guide ensures that intersections and streets are designed to safely support all forms of transport including walking, cycling and driving,” he said.
“This is a blueprint for Canberra’s future streets, intersections, paths and cycleways as we build transport infrastructure to move more people around our growing city.”
He said the principles balance safety and efficiency, depending on the function of each respective street. Designs that passively encourage slower vehicle speeds are proposed in key areas where there are more vulnerable road users.
The draft guide has been informed by best-practice examples and research from cities around the world and is open for community feedback until Friday 2nd June, according to a statement from the Minister.
“Canberrans can expect to see better streets for people, with similarities to Europe’s best cycling cities,” the Minister said.
“The new designs will not be retrofitted to every street and intersection in Canberra overnight, but once finalised this will be the new standard for all new and upgraded streets and estates.”
He said the new protected intersection designs have already been incorporated into the Government’s Light Rail Stage 2A Works Approval submission, with protected intersections on Northbourne Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue separating pedestrians, cyclists, cars, and the future light rail system.