Opening the Floodgates to Highlight Imbalance Endangering Cyclists

Tom Flood Portrait

Ontario, Canada Canadian Tom Flood made a huge impact with his presentation at last month’s Micromobility Conference & Expo in Sydney. The man behind the powerful messages and images is revealed in this issue of our influencers! transcripts, as we continue to look back at Series 1 of the influencers! podcast series. Tom worked in…

Pro Micromobility Mayors Win Elections

Mayor Eric Adams

Montreal, Canada The following article was first published by The Guardian on Friday 29th October. Since then, there have been several more key mayoral election results that the original article could only speculate upon. Therefore, at the end of this article, I’ve added an update that includes more very recent ‘pro-micromobility’ mayoral victories. Every politician…

850 kms of Cycleways in New Vancouver Transport Plan

Vancouver Canada

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Vancouver, Canada, possibly only rivalled by Montreal, has been the leading large city in North America when it comes to not only cycling infrastructure but delivering an integrated active transportation network. On 12th October 2021 the city’s transportation operator, TransLink released a new 30 year plan which will accelerate decades of…

Australia’s Turn Next?

Australia and Canada have a lot in common. They’re both former British colonies, who to this day enjoy friendly sporting rivalry every four years at the Commonwealth Games.