Tenuous Infrastructure – The Sequel

Wollongong Cycling Billboard

Last month I wrote an extensive article about some new ‘temporary’ infrastructure being trialled in my home town of Wollongong NSW.

I began by saying that I didn’t want to make a habit of writing about back-yard stories. I intend for the Micromobility…

Australia’s Turn Next?

Australia and Canada have a lot in common. They’re both former British colonies, who to this day enjoy friendly sporting rivalry every four years at the Commonwealth Games.

When Will Our Governments Start Joining the Dots?

Spin Scooter

In this article I’ll look at two recent decisions by two different governments, that are equally disturbing for a slightly differing set of reasons.

Banning Scooter Trials: Andrew Constance has deep roots in the Bega region on NSW’s far south coast. In the 1860’s his great-great-grandfather, James Constance, drove a team of bullocks through the Bega Valley and settled there as a bush pioneer until his death in 1912. Andrew Constance told this story in greater detail during his maiden speech to the NSW parliament on 21st May 2003.

In that same maiden speech he said, “The broader policy questions about the environment mean surely it is time to dare our Government and citizens to consider every option…”

We Don’t Need These Killers in Australia!

Dodge RAM Eats Utes for Breakfast - Advertisement

For micromobility to flourish, people need to feel safe on our roads. Over the past couple of years, I have been alarmed and dismayed to see a rapid acceleration in the number of ‘hyper macho pickup trucks’ being imported from the USA and appearing on our streets.

What’s the Future of Micromobility in Australia?

Neuron Scooters

By Justin McCulloch* Over the past five years, Australia has had a strained relationship with micromobility. We’ve seen everything from the ongoing COVID-19 bicycle boom, to the rise, fall, and return of e-scooters in many cities around the country, to street trees and rivers being used as parking for cheap dock-less bicycles. Whether it’s because…

What Will a Biden Presidency Mean for Micromobility?

Joe Biden - Will his actions match his policies?

I write these words on Sunday 8th November, (Australian time) moments after Joe Biden claimed victory in the 2020 USA presidential election. Once the initial euphoria of his supporters dies down and the real world landscape comes back into view, what effect will this new presidency have upon cycling and micromobility, not just in the…

Is It Fair We’ve Virtually Legislated the Necessity to Own a Car?

By Christian Haag* Decades of transport planning policy that has given the car unchallenged primacy of place has proved and continues to prove destructive to our social, economic, physical and environmental wellbeing. Decades of ever-expanding suburbia, with little or no thought put into affordable, sustainable transport solutions other than to drive, locks us all into…

Four Children Killed, ‘Riding Bikes’

Sunday Telegraph snap

On 2nd February 2020 I woke up early on a Sunday morning to the news that the previous evening, four young children, three girls and a boy, were killed on a suburban footpath in Sydney. Three more children were hospitalised. At appears that a 29 year old male drunk driver, behind the wheel of a…

Why Micromobility Deserves Government Support

Bike Stores in Moonee Valley and Yarra Local Government Areas

I’ve always been an analytical type of person. Show me the numbers! Then I’ll make decisions based upon the data There’s nothing exceptional in that. It’s what every good bike businessperson does day in and day out when they’re deciding what to order, what prices to charge and a host of other decisions. Theoretically our…