New Directors Strengthen We Ride Australia’s Board

Melbourne, Victoria
We Ride Australia, the bicycle industry funded peak national cycling advocacy group, elected three new directors at its annual general meeting in Melbourne on Wednesday 27th November.
Steven Kaye, Shane Byrne and Paul Oosting are the three newly announced directors. We Ride was hoping to also appoint at least one female director, but due to work and other commitments, several potential candidates declined the opportunity.
Steven Kaye is best known is in the cycling community for his long association with Rail Trails Australia, where he has been in leadership since 2008. Steven is a doctor by profession, having run a GP clinic in the suburbs of Melbourne since 1999.
Shane Byrne trained as an aeronautical engineer and initially worked as a consulting engineer before embarking upon a 24 year career at Mars, the global company best known for its confectionery. Shane was a senior manager in their pet care division before retiring from the corporate world in May 2024.
Paul Oosting has had a long career in the environmental advocacy sector. He is best known for his role as National Director of GetUp, which describes itself as, “…an independent movement to build a progressive Australia and bring participation back to our democracy.”
The three new directors join two ongoing directors. TV presenter, author and podcaster Osher Gunsberg has been director since November 2020. He’s also been a campaigner for better mental health awareness and treatment.
Board chair, Pete Williams has been a director since January 2020. Pete is an entrepreneur and business owner who is also a Professor of Practice at Deakin University where he works with students to bridge the gap between textbook and boardroom.

Latest Financial Statements Released
As part of the AGM, We Ride’s financial report was presented. The organisation is a registered charity under the name “Australian Cycling Environmental and Health Foundation”.
Considering its national prominence and many activities, We Ride operates on a shoestring budget with the vast majority of its income coming from the annual membership dues paid by bicycle industry members, predominantly being the leading bicycle and parts wholesalers.
For the year ended 30th June 2024 total income was $241,215 which was up from $191,907 the previous financial year. The organisation ran at a surplus of $2,356 compared to a $4,165 surplus the previous financial year. Its balance sheet shows total equity of $165,636.
The meeting was advised that We Ride also managed other programs involving approximately a further $250,000 of turnover including the We Ride Australian Cycling Economy Report by EY that are not part of the financial statements.