Australian Cycling Levels Return to Steady Fall: CWANZ Survey Confirms

Man on a bike

Cycling participation levels are falling in Australia, dropping to a rate lower than in 2011, as the Covid pandemic surge quickly peters out, according to a national report released this month. The National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey, conducted by Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand, found the number of people who rode a…

Advocacy News: Santini Partners Gillett Foundation, Biketober & Pedal Power Delivers Message for Urgency

Two people riding road bikes at night

Cycling garment manufacturer Santini and advocacy organisation The Amy Gillett Foundation have joined forces to foster safer cycling. As part of the partnership, Santini Australia released a limited-edition reflective cycling kit for last weekend’s Amy’s Gran Fondo. Designed in Australia in collaboration with the Amy Gillet Foundation, the jersey is a distinctive bright pink colour,…

Leading Pedal Power Down the Path for More Visible Advocacy

Simon Copland portrait

Canberra, ACT Strong demonstrations of support for government commitments to active transport infrastructure, and the politicians who commit those funds, will be a high priority for the new head of the ACT’s peak cycling advocacy group. “We have to make government see that announcements on active transport infrastructure are just as popular as road projects.”…