Federal Government Announces $100 million Active Transport Fund

Exterior view of Australian Parliament House

Canberra, ACT On Tuesday 7th June the federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King MP announced that the following Tuesday’s federal budget would include $100 million in funding to set up a new national Active Transport Fund. We anticipate that this money will be spent over four years at $25…

Cycling Advocates Make Seven Point 2024/25 Federal Budget Submission

Flag of Australian Parliament House

Canberra ACT Every year interested groups are invited to make submissions to what they think should be included in the upcoming Federal Budget. Most people would be unaware of the sheer scale of the Federal Budget. For the current financial year of 2023/24 projected expenditure is $668.1 billion. Put another way, that’s just over two…

Salvaging Positives as Budget Ignores Active Transport

Australian Parliament House

Canberra, ACT Peak cycling groups have salvaged some positives from last week’s Federal Budget, which they say generally falls short on key issues. We Ride Australia, Bicycle NSW and Bicycle Queensland expressed disappointment at the Federal Government’s lack of any direct financial support of active transport through the Budget, including infrastructure and incentives for Australians…

Advocates Present United Voice on Federal Budget Concerns

Canberra, ACT Australia’s State cycle advocacy groups are presenting a unified voice to the Federal Government on both its Budget, delivered last month, and its National Electric Vehicle Strategy discussion paper. After a number of peak bike advocacy groups expressed some disappointment over a perceived lack of Budget funding to active transport, We Ride Australia…