Fyshwick Greenline Rail Proposal Welcomed by Pedal Power

Artist’s impression of the Eastwick Greenline light rail and active transport proposal

Canberra, ACT An ACT business association’s vision to replace an existing train line in East Canberra with light rail and active travel infrastructure has been welcomed by the territory’s peak cycling lobby group. The Fyshwick Business Association’s Eastwick Greenline proposal, unveiled last month, would be a boost for sustainability and community health in Canberra, while…

80th Birthday Cycle Across Australia a Gift for Active Transport

John Stace on the road with bike

Perth, WA One of the great benefits of modern e-bikes is their capacity to keep older people riding, helping them stay active and connected. But despite their rapidly advancing technology, their improved power assistance and the greater distances they can cover, few people would seriously consider riding an e-bike from one side of Australia to…

Operators Sought for New Sydney End-of-Trip Facilities

cyclist walking with bike out of building

Sydney, NSW The City of Sydney is calling for operators to manage two end-of-trip facilities for bike riders in the city centre. A new underground cycling facility has been created within Lendlease’s 53-storey tower development near Circular Quay. The Salesforce Tower development at 180 George Street also includes new community infrastructure, a business innovation space,…

High-Rise EV Share Service Expands into E-Bikes

OhmieGO founder and CEO Kyle Bolto with electric vehicles

Sydney, NSW A leading mobility as a service provider, putting shared electric cars into large residential and corporate buildings in Australian cities, is expanding its offering this month to include e-bikes. Sydney-based company Ohmie GO is preparing to announce a partnership with a large Dutch e-bike manufacturer, to incorporate micromobility to its shared mobility service…

Leading Pedal Power Down the Path for More Visible Advocacy

Simon Copland portrait

Canberra, ACT Strong demonstrations of support for government commitments to active transport infrastructure, and the politicians who commit those funds, will be a high priority for the new head of the ACT’s peak cycling advocacy group. “We have to make government see that announcements on active transport infrastructure are just as popular as road projects.”…

PhD Student Sought for Active Transport Study

blackboard with writing

Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney is looking for a student to undertake PhD research on the health benefits of active transport. The position will support the university’s Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) and its research into sustainable and healthy urban mobility. The institute is teaming with the Sydney School of Architecture, Design…

Letter From America: Infrastructure Over Subsidies for Cycling Boost

LA Bus

Santa Fe, US Letter From America is a monthly feature in our other publication, The Latz Report. It focuses on the issues within the US bike industry this month covered a topic very close to the heart of micromobility, and likely to inspire debate, so we thought we would include this instalment in the Micromobility…

London Lessons Bring Clear Steps for Accelerated Transport Transition

Megan Sharkey

Sydney, NSW Transforming cities towards sustainable transport can be accelerated considerably if advocates employ a number of proven and easily replicated tools and actions, according to a city transitions expert behind an active transport success story in London. City transformation and transition specialist Megan Sharkey was on the board of the London Cycling Campaign and…

Active Transport Boost for Sydney Central Station

Rob Stokes in underground railway tunnel

Sydney, NSW Major active transport improvements around Sydney’s Central Station have been foreshadowed as part of an $11 billion Central Precinct Renewal Program announced by the NSW Government. ‘Central Precinct’ is a project led by the NSW Government to transform up to 24 hectares of land in and around Sydney’s Central Station into a state-of-the-art…

Active Transport Foreshadowed as Priority for COP27

Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt Active transport appears set to gain greater attention at the next instalment of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP27. After being a last-minute inclusion for COP26, the COP27 Presidency of Egypt has identified transport as an issue of particular importance for the forum on the 6th…