Artwork Specifications

All Artwork to be supplied as JPG, GIF or PNG file format. Animated GIF images can have a maximum of four rotating images.

Maximum file sizes are recommended to be 250 kB or smaller.

Website Leaderboard Advertisements

Website Leaderboard advertisements are 728 pixels wide by 90 pixels high.

Leaderboard Size 728x90

Newsletter Leaderboard Advertisements

Both Top and Middle Leaderboard advertisements are 728 pixels wide by 90 pixels high.

Leaderboard Size 728x90

Medium Rectangle Advertisements

Medium Rectangle advertisements are 300 pixels wide by 250 pixels high.

Small Rectangle Advertisements

Small Rectangle advertisements are 300 pixels wide by 100 pixels high.

We can provide graphic design support for $90 per hour + GST with enough advanced notice.

See Terms and Conditions in our Media Kit for further information. Please ensure your advertising materials are provided to us at info (at) by the required Advertising Deadline.